Ladybug Secrets

Ladybug Secrets:
Don't let the small stuff bug you. And Spot new opportunities.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Tests and more

Today was filled with pretesting, and trying to explain to a 4 year old what this is all about.  Brooke did really well with most tests.  She sat so still why they took her blood and barely even wimpered.  But when they put that blood pressure cuff on, she lost it!?  Go figure.  Then we tried everything to get her on the CT Scan table.  Even taking a CT Scan of beloved lambie.  But no luck.  She would not go after two attempts.  So we left the hospital to go get the hotel for Tim and Aidan.  Which was amazingly complicated!  Just a funny side note, the room they are staying in is on floor 2.  Then the lady at desk tells me all of floor 2 is a parking deck.  I really do not speak the language of NY.  :)  After this it as back to hospital to see if we could get an x-ray done.  We arrive only to find out the script was not faxed over.  Yikes.  We made it back to RM House in time for dinner and even fit in grocery shopping!

Tim and Aidan made it in one piece.  Aidan walked in to see us and promptly announced, "I am never movin here, so don't even ask!"  Gotta love kids honesty!  They where stuck in bad traffic.  As were we yesterday.  2 1/2 hours in NY traffic is not pretty.  If you have not experienced, please do not even comment. :) 

Surgery is set for 8:30.  We arrive at 6:30.  She will spend her entire visit in PICU since the children's wing is under construction.  She seems to be handling everything well.  She loves her scar book, so thanks to all who helped with this!

Wanted to share this amazing video my sister Rebecca made!  Much love to all!


  1. I will be thinking of you tomorrow Brooke! And praying for a quick recovery.
    Jennifer Kungle

  2. I just wanted to let you know that you, Brooke and the rest of your family are in my prayers. I think about her everyday and smile when I see the silly band she traded with me! P.s. I love being able to see updates :)

    Love always,
    Brianna Carter

  3. Been thinking of you and praying non-stop. Thank you for the updates!


  4. Praying for you, the Doctors, nurses and all that will be in the operating room. Pray for your strength and stamina. Love Dean

  5. Been busy for hours pressing God's nerves, I'm sure. Hey, He said "pray without ceasing."

  6. Sending lots of prayers for you all. May you feel God's love wrap around each and everyone of you! ((Tell Aidan that the turtles say hi!!))
    Bill, Tammy, Jaret and Caitlyn

  7. I love the video-esp the picture of Jesus holding the surgeon's hands, Where can I get a copy of that? Much love and prayers for all of you, Alice

  8. I love the Video Rebecca made, she did such a great job. I'm happy to hear Brooke is doing ok it does sadden me to hear about her pain. She so precious but I know she'll just fine with everyone there to keep her company. Pam, Jordan, and I are thinking and praying for her everyday. We care about you all so very much

